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I love you! **Season 1:**Episode 1:When a second-year tried to hug him after confessing her love…Episode 2:who says she loves youyou'll be able love back.In fact I it! the Cat of Zodiac!What if there will be? Someone who you.Episode 3:Well think chives are ready…Chives? chives!Episode 4:That's Kagura's way expressing love.Kyo you should just say it right now! Do me or not?I you! most in world! universe!No matter how look at it it's clear that I'm only one this much!I won't lose! The power my overcome any obstacle!it seems Kagura is truly deeply with Kyo. haven't had first yet so seeing she's someone…For Kyo being someone much amazing.It's not he wants beat Soma truly martial arts.I'm done! Kyo just… I…love him!Kagura better understand why now.I meant want like you can see wonderful things about person they love!Strawberries? them! That's plant them.Episode 5:Strawberries? them!I Zodiac!I've been loved by mother and even have two friends.Episode 6:Because effect was saying It form love.No way. But this princess' dress.Many years later met again fell love.Maybe boy love.I get live Somas I've mother.I both.Episode 7:He erased memories time spent when were naturally her.Especially love…I'm happy you.Her for you.He didn't back though.Episode 8:Wow! would've that.Episode 9:Yuki love. too…I made sure understood you.You call him his name. He would 10:I… love… you!It's an important event lovers. And those lovers?I dreamed love.Episode 11:Episode 12:But what lovely occasion!Episode 13:I saw Ayame smile elder brother.Well suppose has him.Episode 14:But Kyoko kid Kyo.I much!Meeting marrying loveI know hard youbut promise I'll make up giving all love.If MomI could falling her.As long as these thoughts infest them ready fall love.That said some people without knowing are.Episode 15:I reading do.I them this.I statement.Episode 16:You've always pool too.Great… sound it.Episode 17:Love Tohru. Love too much. agree cute but…I much.I her.Episode 18She couldn't speak because much.Doesn't Tohru annoyed that? you!She doesn't foodstuffs dry texture.But shallot omelet.Episode 19:Episode 20:I much!So rival love.He's cute little boy love lot learn!I Kisa.My 21:Their mission protect His Highness.What her?!We really care Yuki. We him!Walking around smug Yuki's special someone! Just himYour unidirectional imposed 22:We Saki. Saki.What's going on? Did confess your her Tohru?I you!Episode 23:My Kyo– Ky-Kyo?!I much!Episode 24:I match that's possible.I you.I you…You you.Why did keep telling me?Your mother more than anyone.She didn't…have everything me.Episode 25:My started grow.You're awe unbeatable love! You got Come on. 2:**Episode 1:Episode 2:If someone.Episode 3:I'd that!Episode 4:You're right?It must 5:Love more!What love?Episode 6:Tohru hat much…That's 7:I'm you!Do Tohru Yuki?We Tohru!Episode 8:I Kyo.Episode 9:Tohru 10:If someone!I you!You don't you?Episode 11:I hidden gems books that!The girl love!Episode 12:Episode 13:Episode 14:You still you?I you!The woman loved.Episode 15:Because 16:I you!Love precious!I 17:That him?Episode 18:Episode 19:That does Kyo.He 20:He 21:Because him.I much!She much.Episode 22:But do 23:You him!I 24:Tohru 25:You're Honda aren't you? 3:**Episode 1:Tohru 2:Tohru 3:You 4:Did me?I 5:You Kyoko.You someone 7:Did Kyoko?I 8:Because 9:Because you.She you!I 10:I 11:That 13:Because you.
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