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2022 Rhoda Moise/Aseemkala Initiative Kristina Diaz Monica Shah Aika Takeshima & Sara Pizzi/sarAika movement collective Makayla Peterson/Monét Movement Productions: The Collective Megan Curet/Curet Performance Project Jenny Oliver/Modern Connections Melissa Garcia Velez & Sebastian Angel/Meldanzando & Dancers Audrey Hubbard Madison/MoJazz Dance Jurne Smith Shoko Tamai & Zen Takai/Ninja Ballet Saraswathy Lakshmivaraham Chien-Ying Wang/OcampoWang Dance Violeta De Leon Davila Jennifer Chin/JENNIFERCHINdance Ankita Sharma Leslie Alston/The Angels of Transformation Suwodi Dutta Bordoloi Allyson Ross/SouthernBelleStories Ann Francis Ang Jamison Curcio Linda Steele II - HUMA/lingual Cafe for the Arts
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