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Personal and Professional Details: Name: Vinayak G. M. Jagtap Ph.D. Specialization: Computer Engineering AI Machine Learning Contact: Email Phone LinkedIn Google Scholar Key Skills: Programming Languages: Python Java C MATLAB ML Frameworks: TensorFlow Keras OpenCV NeuCube BERT Cloud Technologies: Docker Digital Ocean Tools: Tableau Power BI Seaborn Databases: SQL NoSQL Research Experience: Areas: AI/ML Deep Learning Contextual Similarity Uncertainty Modeling Work iKnowlation Labs (Data Scientist Product Architect) Assistant Professor (PICT) Nuvision Autoglass - Contractual) EKLaT (Software Engineer) Grants: Cognitive Science Initiative (CSRI) National S&T Management Information System (NSTMIS) Publications Patents: Indexed Journals: SCIE Scopus Thematic Context-Based Decision Support Turning Point-Based Making Under Academic Projects: Research: Evolutionary for Gaming Healthcare Analytics Commodity Forecasting Secure Sharing Achievements: Certifications: AFCEH Oracle Database Memberships: WCE GHRIET Committees Reviewer Roles: IEEE Access Journal of Intelligent Fuzzy Systems
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