Used words

“We’re all stories in the end. Just make it a good one eh?” “A straight line may be shortest distance between two points but is by no means most interesting.” “The universe big. It’s vast and complicated ridiculous. And sometimes very rarely impossible things just happen we call them miracles.” “Do what I do. Hold tight pretend it’s plan!” “I am always will optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes dreamer improbable dreams.” “Some people live more 20 years than others do 80. not time that matters person.” “Never cruel. Never cowardly. Hate foolish. Love wise. Always try to nice never fail kind.” “People assume strict progression cause effect actually from non-linear non-subjective viewpoint like big ball wibbly wobbly… time-y wimey… stuff.” “There’s point being grown-up if you can’t childish sometimes.” “In 900 space I’ve met anyone who wasn’t important.” “Everything’s got end sometime. Otherwise nothing would ever get started.” something look at open your eyes!”
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