Used words

A-B-C Antecedent Autism Automatic Reinforcement Avoidance contingency B. F. Skinner Baseline Basic schedule of reinforcement Behavior Checklists Contract Behavioral Momentum Consequence Contingency Shaped Data Differential Discrete Trial Training Discriminative Stimulus DSM-5 Echoic Effective Elementary verbal operants Elopement Environment Escape Establishing Operation (EO) Event recording Evocative Effect Extinction Burst Forward chaining Free operant Frequency Functional Analysis Assessment Communication Generalization Good Game Graphs Group Contingencies high probability (high-p) request sequence Intervention Irreversibility John Watson Lag Schedule Maintenance Masking Negative Punishment NET Nonparametric Normalization Observer Reactivity Percent occurrence Permanent product Philosophic Doubt Planned Ignoring Positive Precision teaching Preference assessment Prompt Reflex Reinforcer Repertoire Respondent Response SD Self Injurious Self-Management Self-monitoring Shaping Target The Four Functions Three Term Token economy Treatment Integrity Unconditioned Motivating Verbal
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