Used words

AGRICULTURE the art of cultivating the soil producing crops and raising livestock farming APARTHEID a policy racial segregation formerly practiced in South Africa. “Separateness” ARID having too little rainfall to support agriculture BARREN producing or no vegetation BIAS an inclination marked by strong prejudice BOYCOTT to refuse deal with (person country) use (products) usually express disapproval force concessions BUDDHISM a religion chiefly eastern central Asia growing out teaching Gautama Buddha that suffering is inherent life one can be liberated from it mental moral self-purification. CAPTIALISM an economic system which natural resources means production are privately owned investments determined private decisions rather than state control prices competition market. CASH CROP crop raised sold CASTE SYSTEM a division society based on differences wealth inherited rank occupation Typical Hindu CENSUS a periodic governmental counting population other statistics CHRISTIANITY the deriving Jesus Christ CITY an inhabited place greater size importance a town CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE to peacefully obey law CIVILIZATION the relatively high level cultural technological development CLIMATE the average weather conditions patterns region over period time COLONIZE to establish colony COLONY a body people sent new territory COMMERCIAL FARMING the crops livestock for sale outside markets large scale done companies. CONFUCIANISM relating Chinese philosopher Confucius his teachings followers CONTINENT a continuous mass land (Asia Africa Antarctica Australia North America Europe) COUNTRY the person’s birth residence citizenship political nation its CRISIS an unstable crucial affairs CROP a plant animal product grown harvested CULTURAL DIFFUSION the movement customs ideas culture another DIVERSITY the condition having different cultures CULTURE the characteristic features civilization including beliefs customs social institutions CUSTOM a usage practice common many long established like unwritten DEFORESTATION to clear forests DELTA the triangular fan shaped piece made deposits mud sand at mouth river DEMOCRACY government supreme power vested exercised them directly indirectly through representation DESERTIFICATION the changing fertile into dry grow DEVELOPED NATION having industrialization standard living DEVELOPING NATION a has industry modern technology DICTATOR a leader absolute DICTATORSHIP a form government held dictator DISCRIMINATE to make distinction favor against person thing as compared others DIVERSIFY to give variety DOMESTICATE to adapt wild plants animals human DROUGHT a without rain ECONOMY a producing distributing consuming goods services ELEVATION height above sea ETHNIC GROUP a group shares same ancestors culture language EXPLORATION the act looking searching EXPORT when carried abroad sell country EXTENDED FAMILY the nuclear family along aunts uncles cousins grandparents FAMINE an extreme shortage food FERTILE able lot FIELD a open put some special FOREIGN DEBT money owed foreign countries HYBRID a combination 2 more types GOVERNMENT a establishes enforces laws IMPORT something bought trade IRRIGATE to artificially water FREE MARKET ECONOMY an economy operates free IMPERIALISM actions able control smaller weaker nations GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT the total value goods/services produced year HYDROELECTRICITY electrical wate INDUSTRY manufacturing activity HINDUISM a social cultural religious beliefs practices native Indian subcontinent ISLAM a prophet Muhammad Koran JUDAISM a developed ancient Israelites believes God Torah LITERACY RATE is an estimate certain group’s ability read write ISOLATIONISM the national remaining secluded engagements ISTHMUS is narrow strip connects two larger areas LIFE EXPECTANCY the length MIGRATE to move LAND USE the way service MALNUTRITION faulty inadequate nutrition LITERACY the NATIONALIZED taking once owned business placing under MONOTHEISM belief NAVIGABLE a source deep wide enough ships pass MILITARISM control dominance military class MONSOONS winds hit times during NATIONALISM pride one’s NOMAD a settled home who travels search MINERAL RESOURCE resources removed ground benefit life. (coal oil iron) NATURAL RESOURCE something occurs nature water forests MULTIPARTY party NOMADIC HERDING person moves grazing their herds NONRENEWABLE RESOURCES a resource cannot replaced been used (oil coal NUCLEAR FAMILY a mother father children OASIS a desert where there OCCUPATION one’s profession OVERPOPULATION too many area PASTURE land PILGRIMAGE a journey POLYTHEISM the belief gods POPULATION DENSITY the number given GROWTH increase numbers especially because survival skills PRODUCTION to bring something about work RACE division mankind possessing traits transmissible descent sufficient characterize distinct type RAIN FOREST thick forest receiving least 60 inches per REFORESTATION to renew cover seeding planting RENEWABLE environment REPUBLIC type run officials represent being governed RESOURCE a reserve supply REVOLUTION a change organization overthrowing 1 substituting those RIVER MOUTH Point enters lake stream
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