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added team members new t2 hires everything quarter New Hire transitions into roles! Bringing in Great Talent! Hiring more people Joey moving up to Team Supervisor hires leads exceeding goals "Can't go a year without shouting out the Marketing team! Congrats on consistently hitting goal being over plan all year. I also wanted shout Elizabeth her insane amount of EE submissions. She should be cresting 100 submission mark week if she hasn't already. Last want congratulate our newest class for jumping right doing amazing work making big impacts their teams " "New trained! Austin Damon Maggie John Kelli taking care my tasks while was maternity leave. Their diligent enabled me come back get caught quickly so could jump things. Also biggest ever December is amazing! For greatest accomplishment improved comp development IA's. Jordan Aaron Austin have invested countless hours developing IA's results already started show each every one them. feel confident that 2024 we will fully staffed capable ready effectively serve clients know these guys play part helping sales reach production goals. Well done! One accomplishments company 2023 acquisition RIG. Brought lot great gave us start building reputation Branson Springfield. most impressive things noticed growth company. As someone who recently hired by G&G observed exp ing many exciting ways. evident number employees clients exceptional experiences provide. Training process T3 - newbies are trained servicing policies whilst reshops/policy reviews. going majorly help set them with foundation knowledge as well make equipped T2 overflow queue The movement individuals within organization (promotions) departmental expansion (in QS concluding Q4 an additional 9 team) notable.
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