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Staff and students The families that are on my caseload tribe of people I work closely with the mentor program Great community colleagues wonderful new facilities appreciated - camaraderie Community lifelong friends Kids autonomy Wonderful Staff- Family-like Family dedicated caring kiddos colleagues! Students faculty Goal oriented results driven Caring environment committed to My department is cohesive supportive. welcoming fresh/contemporary thinking supportive students comradery fun Autonomy long-term relationships coworkers Staff relationships Sabrina Simone staff friendly Autonomy People -Friendly Open-minded Supportive staff safe environment nice growth opportunity Freedom teaching methodologies supportive convenient :) great generally parents colleagues innovative student-focused Connected rewarding Dedicated staffopportunities for students/staff kids team clean environment lots resources good Students helpful Ambitious positive welcoming & New building loyalty energy teriffic students/families Building A collaborative coworkers community Kids seem happy at PRMHS camaraderie curriculum parents Co workers amazing Facilities pride Inspiring coworkers.
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