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your Start Recording: Button What's up everyone it's Sports Hub episode 3 you might hear the Cubs game in background for a little bit 'cause my roommates watching game yo boy Nate Clark roommate Joe Runkle be adding his own input he disagrees with some of opinions I'm gonna going off about players who are really annoying and breakout performances from week 1 NFL schedule. First I gotta be something good. Adrian Houser THANK very much growing pair throwing at Addison Russel that wifebeater. He is NOT supposed to league should have been banned all year what did. Russel fun being injured. Glad someone finally had balls throw you. if could would send 250 bucks. Do an opinion Joe? YEP! knew camera shy. This boy's shy! was on *Noo wasnt* Russels bad person person. Yeah OK! terrible. You know else terrible? *YOUR MOM'S BOX!* NO! That Kevins Saying! *HEHEHEHEHE* No Antonio Brown. Anyone has read reports came out tonight also person But there's not as much evidence wifebeater Russel. suspended ALL year NO matter what if's and's or but's. *???????* want me hater? The Cub's won't even make playoffs! so they're lose wildcard game. So? not... done? wifebeater! That's he's referred to now on. thank you Next Kareem Hunt 8 games. Guess what? gotten more considering there proof against Zeke SO they only him because nickname is do it *KAREEM CUNT!* NOHOHOHO! NOHOHOHO!... sorry how immature was but that's nickname. wanna of... him yeah its... CUNT* NOHOhoho... Sorry behind buzzer. BUT HE SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN 12 GAMES RATHER THAN 6 ZEKE EVIDENCE AND GOT 6 IT JUST SHOWS THAT GODEL IS A PRICK HATES THE COWBOYS. Tyreek Hill did get all? childbeater guess I'll knock upside head OWN CANE. *Oh wait already injured!* GOOD! But good wife beater hurt. *heHEHEhe*. Yes this raging video but got one more rage me. HOW ABOUT THEM COWBOYS!!!!!!!!!! Cause Trubitsky trash! *No Hes Nooot!* TRASH! *Better than Dack!* Dack attack time Dackterandelcoff Dackton Cooper Whitney Degala Michael 158 yards. How many passing yards have? almost didn't many. RIP Bears! R. I. P. TO. THE. BEARS. Sit down humble Bears. *Cowboys ????* Bet! *??????* bet otherwise *???* wanna... think reverse just kidding Dallas 13-3 guys 3-13. beat Broncos! *Yeah we will!* Ok maybe cause Broncos suck. Miami Dolphins- Lamar Jackson BEAST! not overrated* LAMAR JACKSON *OVERRATED!* top 10 quarterback bottom quarterback. fantasy mode 324 yards rushing Who said couldn't throw? WHO Exactly! Alright other stuff.. from.. world sports. saw Giannis brothers try fight U.S. team? Last time two Greek people fight end well 'em were facing Romans... *eEeEeEeEe* NOhohoh... oh God... heyuh.. Kevin's favorite saying is? is... starts ... MOMS hope family video. so. funny raging. Nate Runkle Corbin Hall PEACE!
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