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Focus on God Be patient Choose to love each other everyday Don't sweat the small stuff Persevere at all times Communication is key Laugh a lot Never go to bed mad Enjoy the moment Respect each other Seek first His kingdom Enjoy one another for life. Love your spouse like God loves them Lay down your cross daily Keep dating each other Ephesians 4:2 Make each other a priority Make each other laugh Love every version of each other Matthew 6:33 Get a pet Cherish each other Forgive and forget Love each other deeply Listen to your partner Communion + Communication = Appreciation You're in this together Ecclesiastical 4:12 “Allow God to be your cornerstone” “Keep in lives” “Remember what made you fall love” “Choose what’s best for marriage” “Say thank daily” “Be truthful” “Never take spouse granted” “You are not live yourself but the other” “Pray together “If you’re angry listen harder” forget how loved by God” “Continue put Christ at head of relationship” “Hug everyday” “Learn a new hobby together” “Face problems as team” intentional with time” first” “Respect each others space when needed” about spouse” “Commitment can its own reward” “Try agreeable” “Love God then other yourself” “The closer grow
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