Used words

I’d like to begin with a poem from Shel Silverstein titled Masks. “She had blue skin And so did he. He kept it hid she. They searched for Their whole life through Then passed right by— never knew.” I bring you this quote Olivia remind how grateful am today that we met and showed each other our skin would not be here share lives together forever. love you. plan by your side through the most beautiful times thickest treacherous of times. My is unwavering show everyday rest my time. You are only wife but best friend…my friend work version myself future come. With all said want know will always have back there pick up slack when aren’t having perfect day cause that’s what do one another :) end Silterstein The Romance. “Said pelican elephant “I think should marry do. ’Cause there’s no name rhymes me else you.” Said elephant pelican “There’s sense you’ve said For rhyming’s as good reason any two wed.” wed they dined upon lemons limes now baby everybody rhymes.”
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