Used words

“Thanks for including a picture of me from R Day in your letter except it wasn’t me.” “It is hot as hell and we are sweating our balls off!” “I had bee on my face during the National Anthem Oath Ceremony.” tried broccoli-still hate it.” “No one touched brussel sprouts.” suck at shining shoes.” spent two hours folding clothes drawers.” “We get dessert with every meal!” “My roommate I got yelled laughing.” “Even though there lot humidity here meat still dry have to add bbq sauce “I’m running so much but luckily can eat much want because sit heavy heavy table.” tired that was constant sweat pours into eyes.” “Last night lit!” really like “I’ve been smoked couple times once own doing.” “It’s hard getting used having negative minutes between tasks.” never much coach.” failed swim test-I’m Rock Class.” absolutely sucks love it! all stink bad.” “There’s yelling shoe going on.” gelatinous mom other kids were Skittles M&Ms their snack saltines didn’t those.” sent ER nosebleed-I am not anemic!” put Jedi Math.” always sweaty.” excited this be over it’s kind nice makes anything that’s terrible seem amazing.” drown.” “You would proud late once.” “Sleep nonexistent.” “4:30am comes pretty fast!” “Mom up challenge…you know “60 second showers easy I’m better lost wallet.” “The longest shower I’ve gotten far 30 seconds.” duct tape you too big.” struggle changing four minutes.” talk.” next time see look Rock same head.” “Everyone’s feet hurt.” lips cut biting them don’t trouble smiling.” lot.” rough until 0900 then wind good.” “Hardest part staring plate meal-I talk meals.” moved laugh when they said serious.”
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