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Welcome to the Decision Making Bot! Please describe the situation or problem you're facing: Is this situation within your control? (yes/no) It might be best to ignore this situation since it's out of your control. Does this situation align with your goals or values? (yes/no) Since it doesn't align with your goals or values ignoring it might be wise. Do you have the resources (time money energy) to attempt a change? (yes/no) Ignoring the situation might be best if you lack the necessary resources. It seems you should plan a change. Let's develop a strategy. What is your plan to address this situation? Your plan: {strategy} Are you ready to implement this plan? (yes/no) Consider revising your plan or preparing further before implementing. Go ahead and implement your plan. Was the implementation successful? (yes/no) Great! The change was successfully implemented. The attempt was not successful. You might want to retry or adjust your plan. “def decision_making_bot(): print() situation = input() control if control.lower() != 'yes': return alignment alignment.lower() resources resources.lower() strategy print(f) action action.lower() result result.lower() == else: # To run the bot decision_making_bot()”
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