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SUMMER. Summer is like two big scoops of ice cream on a wafer cone being savored till the last bite. I don’t savor every second my but when it’s done wish had. never summer. always feel have forever then it's gone. Melted away. don't pay attention in My mind wanders. Not to future though. even past. PHALL. Fall reminds me spring. In reverse obviously. It's sun going behind clouds. Pulling away from her hug. Like flower Beauty and Beast. Slowly dying. Losing all life color. lose summer slowly forgetting as time passes on. get happier. sadder. just think. This future. WINTHER. Winter waiting hours traffic. Long never-ending Responsibilities are light non-sticking snow that falls. There melted The stays hidden. only thing can compare hug alive for eight nights. new year. Now think about me. SPRUING. Spring faint rainbow after storm. almost many flowers people. And emerging hiding spot. Sometimes she will wrap us warm remind what of. bear coming out hibernation must like. Excited. Excited Nothing has changed right back at beginning with more
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