Used words

commit to being more assertive commit to being more kind commit to listening and following directions commit to coming in with a smile commit to paying attention and focus commit to ignore people trying to make me laugh commit to speaking up and talking to people commit to being more assertive and helping people do their job commit to saying kind words about myself and others commit to stop blurting commit to be nice and respectful commit to be more assertive commit to help people get on task commit to thinking how others might feel commit to being my best version commit to being kind and respectful commit to stand up for people commit to being quiet commit to paying attention commit to not laughing inappropriately commit to not talk during quiet times and give others a quiet sign when they try to talk to me commit to being quiet when working and focus on the work commit to work on being a better listener commit to speaking up more and being assertive owning up to my mistakes not laughing when someone is off task" commit following directions and focus" be quiet follow directions"
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