Used words

"That felt good to get out. Yet the thought is still there of what people will perceive me? What words be define Its become solid theory think others us our lasting image. Our Portrait. Poor Trait. If that was my preface this authors photo? And if glimpse me do I Want know? For shortest page has hardest reflect on. you want makes up your image? wish knew im not being ingeniune or intimidating Im shy and can't converse well. stutter a lot smile feels like slinky constricting in joy meet someone new yet nervous on how proceed. can comfortable take bit extinguish anxious flame. make new friends I'm worried perceived. We have numb sensitive means. My hypersensitivity sound touch taste kiss friend talk. know am caring too much when rowdy with laughter. A rodeo enjoyment. autism least interesting thing about me lessen something controls every wordevery look cry bite food breath. now before they know. To see their reaction changes upon knowing. Their behaviour around me. treat disability as separate category point feel subspecies. Like scene discovery don't wowed at for breathing any work knowledge music ability admit self-centred saying that. already but disconnect we ourselves disability. are all humans separation. Why? As writer discredited false credited because disability needs myself special hard write dialogue struggle turn reflected work. may able off leave lights thrive sun. When learn care perceptions others it brighter
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