Used words
Nervous as a kitten.
Feels colder than a witches kiss.
Like a Tornado In a Tea Cup.
I think we take it in the shorts with that option.
No need to be champion of a lost cause.
Cake's been eaten just trying to get some crumbs from the table.
Nice to hear your dulcet tones.
That's the Devil in the Detail.
She looks like a mutton dressed as lamb
We need to jump on the grenade.
You are reading the tea leaves.
I've had my thumbscrews on that for a while.
He can talk the hind leg off a donkey.
I look like a spare prick at a wedding.
He's a fucking greenhorn.
He was knee-high to a grasshopper and could benchpress 400 pounds.
You gotta be 3 sheets to the wind to eat fish and chips out of a newspaper.
Look at the cacophony of colors.
Would you call Kevin Loquacious?
He was as fit as a butchers dog.
I took the top off… as the actress said to the bishop.
Your even temperament to offset my impetuosity.
That putt is as fast as shit off a shovel.
How is your wet hooth?
You clubbed it like a seal.
My hyde is a little chapped with their lack of urgency.
It's colder than a witches kiss.
I think you are throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Sort of like a Chinese Auction
When you get a new choirmaster you gotta learn the tune.
The charge of the light brigade.
Tighter than Kelsey’s Nuts.
It's a poisoned challis.
Get their knickers in a twist.
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