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Because the scene takes place on a boat it creates a mood that is full of tension anxiety and apprehension. The situation is such that the lives of the characters are in grave danger and this creates a tangible sense of unease that transforms the entire scene. At the beginning of the scene the characters including Antonio Sebastian Ferdinand and Gonzalo are portrayed as being rather casual and not particularly concerned with the approaching storm. They even make fun of the boatswain who is working very hard to save the ship. However as the storm grows in intensity and the danger becomes more apparent they begin to get increasingly worried and apprehensive. This scene shows the development of the characters. In the beginning they are characterized as being rather unconcerned about the situation but as the storm intensifies they begin to realize the true gravity of their predicament. This realization causes a shift in the mood and tone of the play as the characters become increasingly worried and anxious about their fate. The lights flickering on and off contribute to the tenseness of the scene. They Aid in the feeling of hopelessness and loss of control in the scene. Near the end of the scene the characters are seen praying for their lives along with the rest of the people on the boat. This underscores the gravity of the situation that they find themselves in. Overall the scene exhibits character development and shifting moods to create an extremely powerful scene.
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