Used words

“Spend more time with my team Martin” “Setting boundaries within the school setting Emily” “Being transparent work and expectations. To shar knowledge Dom” “Learn about job role Whitney” “To better understand other roles SGT Anthony” “Get to know projects what they do in detail Tara” “Getting out see others outside of Mick” “Live learn Mo” “Help carry on learning Zaman” “Continue Marcus” “Transparency Brooke” “More networking Amy” “Keep Cordel” honest if you don’t how things. Reach for help/ support “Staying organised transparent open honest committing upskilling staff AS” “Pledge to… creative/ motivate. Question when things go wrong Nav” “I pledge be positive also being linked services Han” “Clearer transparency communication streams Dan” actively against “working silos.” Open is key. Always. Aidan” best motivate inspire clients achieve their goals! Jack” “Be positive Laura” “Timekeeping Fabian” “Have self confidence Learn!!! Shona” “Work management David P” less impatient waiting replies & WAIT! Alex D” “Take constrictive criticism Sundas” “Demand from myself communicate Cyrus” “Knowledge training EDI trauma informed Sarah B” training around St Giles values Georgina” Tahera” “Speak up Moesha” accountable knowing starts finishes. Being motivational Sharna” “Stop Leaving until last minute Megan” leaving Gill” proactive NS” “Enhance knowledge. Keep doing all I came do. Improving skills areas by studying Bingy” “Actions speak louder than words! action Azalia” “Doing paperwork straight away “Understanding accountability Nina” “My maintain personal commitment admin a high standard Kelly T” “Better supervisions Matt” “Improve patience levels Johnny” Adam” CRS Prebook. Libby agencies Nicky” will improve organisational skills. Make an effort promote - Laura S” (in-person) Present staff/ supportive Caroline” creative ways keep motivated I” boundaries management admin. Continue empower everybody around. Hold Zola” across Yorkshire allow me Moe”
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