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In the land of free where dreams take flight A nation shaped like a promise in night. From Atlantic waves to Pacific shore spiraling journey what are we searching for? Begin East sunrise gleams History's echoes and founding dreams. The coast path stars Aspirations soaring reaching past bars. Through bustling cities urban sprawl dream expands standing tall. But within spiral shadows cast Echoes struggles an unresolved past. Spiraling south sun shines bright tapestry cultures woven tight. Yet shadows inequality weaves grappling as deceives. heartland amber unfold takes root story be told. beneath surface complex dance yearning for chance. Westward go chasing setting sun pursuit dreams everyone. fractures appear dream's reflection not entirely clear. mountain ranges valleys low spiral winds relentless flow. Opportunity whispers grins. north cold winds blow covered snow. questions arise true nature shifting guise. As tightens journey nears end Contours message send. shape complexities weave hoping believe. center completes mosaic diverse feats. persist What parts do resist? unwinds contours evolving landscape. nation's truths found forever unwound.
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