Used words

AutoLoot Auto Loot Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_coin_01 AutoTarget Auto Fight/Clear OOC Interface\\Icons\\ability_warrior_challange autoface Auto Face Target Interface\\Icons\\ability_hunter_eagleeye combat player isCastingAny 1 Battle Shout 2 Commanding Shout Disable ruler header Warrior Protection 5.4.8 C69B6D center Group Settings Left checkbox || Auto Taunt/Heroic Throw FF7133 autotaunt checkspin Rallying Cry - Group Health rallyingcry DPS Settings Heroic Strike / Cleave - Rage strikecleave Buff Settings dropdown SHOUT shouttype Berserker Rage - Fear||Incapacitate berserkerrage Debuff Settings Thunder Clap - Weakened Blows tclapdebuff # Mobs Right Piercing Howl piercinghowl Demoralizing Shout demoshout Defensive Settings Center Health % Shield Barrier shieldbarrier Shield Block shieldblock Shield Wall shieldwall Last Stand laststand %pause taxi || vehicle || mounted player.dead lost.control isHavingLunch dead || !canattack target player.iscastingany Taunt spell.range Heroic Throw ui(autotaunt) && !fleeing && isParty && !targetme nearEnemyCb Shockwave distance <= 10 Devastate distance <=5 && !debuff(Deep Wounds) targetme && hasclass(ROGUE) enemy Heroic Strike player.area(5).enemies ==1 && melee Cleave player.area(5).enemies >=1 && melee ui(strikecleave)_check && {player.rage >= ui(strikecleave)_spin || player.buff(Ultimatum)} Shattering Throw spell.range && { buff(Divine Shield) || buff(Ice Block) } Pummel melee && casting.percent >= 70 !Shield Block ui(shieldblock_check) && <= ui(shieldblock_spin) && !player.buff(Shield Block) && player.area(5).enemies>=1 !Shield Wall ui(shieldwall_check) && <= ui(shieldwall_spin) && !player.buff(Shield Wall) && player.area(5).enemies>=1 !Shield Barrier ui(shieldbarrier_check) && <= ui(shieldbarrier_spin) && !player.buff(Shield Barrier) && player.area(5).enemies>=1 !Last Stand ui(laststand_check) && <= ui(laststand_spin) && !player.buff(Last Stand) && player.area(5).enemies>=1 Berserker Rage ui(berserkerrage) && { player.state(fear || incapacitate) } ui(shouttype)==1 && !player.buff(Battle Shout) ui(shouttype)==2 && !player.buff(Commanding Shout) Demoralizing Shout ui(demoshout_check) && player.area(8).enemies >= ui(demoshout_spin) Thunder Clap ui(tclapdebuff) && distance <= 6 && !debuff(Weakened Blows) Piercing Howl ui(piercinghowl_check) && player.area(13).enemies >= ui(piercinghowl_spin) && !debuff /cleartarget target.dead %target !target.exists && inmelee lowestenemy target.exists && target.distance > 10 toggle(autoface) && exists && !dead && enemy && target.combat Disarm ready && !state(disarm) && isplayer Victory Rush !talent(Impending Victory) && <=90 && ready Impending Victory talent(Impending Victory) && <=90 && ready ready && player.buff(32216) && <=90 !Execute ready && health <= 20 && player.rage > 30 Revenge ready Shield Slam ready && !debuff(Deep Wounds) *Heroic Strike player.buff(Ultimatum) && ready *Thunder Clap 6603 melee && !auto.attack toggle(AutoLoot) && exists && hasLoot && distance<=5 && timeout(looting2) dead toggle(AutoTarget) && melee && reaction<=3 && !ispet nearEnemy toggle(AutoTarget) && distance <= 6 && reaction<=3 toggle(AutoTarget) && target.dead toggle(autoface) && enemy && reaction<=3 && distance <= 10 reaction==4 !exists || dead || !canattack toggle(AutoTarget) && canattack && ready && !targetme && !fleeing Throw toggle(AutoTarget) && !player.moving && canattack && ready && !targetme && !combat toggle(AutoTarget) && canattack && melee && !auto.attack DSL Warrior Protection Cartman The Fat Guy 33ff42 400 500 5.4.8 1.1 local mediaPath _A = ... DSL function(api) return _A.DSL:Get(api) end _A.Interface:AddToggle({ key name icon }) -- loot function(obj) if LootFrame:IsShown() then for i=1 _A.GetNumLootItems() do _A.LootSlotHasItem(i) _A.LootSlot(i) _A.C_Timer.After(0.5 function() _A.CloseLoot() end) else _A.InteractUnit(obj) not _A.DSL:Get()() and then if end interact function(target) _A.ObjectInteract(target) return true autofacetarget UnitExists(obj) UnitIsDead(obj) _A.UnitIsFacing( obj 145) _A.FaceTarget(obj) Shout_List { {key text } } GUI ---------------------- {type {type text color= size 15 align --------------------- cw ch= size text .. _A.Core:GetSpellIcon(355 12 12).. _A.Core:GetSpellIcon(57755 12).. color key default false } cw --checkbox width=50 height=15 spin step 5 shiftStep min 1 max 100 --Bar _A.Core:GetSpellIcon(97462 } 35 30 _A.Core:GetSpellIcon(78 _A.Core:GetSpellIcon(845 width 150 _A.Core:GetSpellIcon(6673 _A.Core:GetSpellIcon(469 list Shout_List _A.Core:GetSpellIcon(18499 _A.Core:GetSpellIcon(6343 {type 3 10 _A.Core:GetSpellIcon(12323 _A.Core:GetSpellIcon(1160 --------------------- 90 _A.Core:GetSpellIcon(112048 80 _A.Core:GetSpellIcon(2565 50 _A.Core:GetSpellIcon(871 12) --checkbox/icon _A.Core:GetSpellIcon(12975 } Global_Pause { Combat_Pause AGGRO {{ { FUCK_ROGUE --stun the mothafuker Put Bleed/Break Stealth when dmg. Heroic_Cleave {{ { PENETRATION INTERRUPT DEFENSIVE BUFF SHOUTS DEBUFF inCombat {Global_Pause} {DEFENSIVE} --{ {autofacetarget {Combat_Pause} {INTERRUPT} {AGGRO} {BUFF} {SHOUTS} {DEBUFF} {FUCK_ROGUE} {Heroic_Cleave} outCombat {loot spellIds_Loc blacklist _A.CR:Add(73 name ic inCombat ooc outCombat use_lua_engine false gui GUI gui_st {title= color= width= height= wow_ver apep_ver load exeOnLoad -- ids spellIds_Loc blacklist pooling
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