Used words

Satire Sarcasm Compound Sentence Simple Spoonerism Style Subordinate Clause Syllogism Synecdoche Syntax Tension Tricolon Litotes Understatement Bdelygmia Parable Paradox Parallelism Parenthesis Parody Periodic sentences Persona Point of View (first third objective and omniscient) Polysyndeton Asyndeton Proverb Pun Refutation Repetition Rhetorical Question Inversion Irony Juxtaposition Loaded Questions Loose sentence Malapropism Maxim Metaphor Metonymy Mood (setting) Objective Subjective Organization Oxymoron Pacing or narrative pacing False Analogy Faulty Use Authority Antecedent Apotheosis Euphemism Figurative Language Allegory Attitude Elegy Assonance Consonance Authorial Aside Epigraph Foreshadowing Appeal to Tradition Ad Hominem Argument Non Sequitur Straw Man Emotional Circular Reasoning Either/Or reasoning Equivocation Post hoc ergo propter hoc- Hoc Fallacy Red Herring Slippery Slope Baculum Populum Begging the Zeugma Denotation Concession Contrast Anadiplosis Anaphora Antithesis Ellipsis & Elliptical Anecdote Ambiguity Ambiguous Apostrophe Cacophony Didactic Synonymous Bathos Ethos Logos Pathos Rhetoric (pronounce correctly) Deduction Deductive Induction/ Inductive Assertion Appositive Assumption Backing Diction Connotation
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