Used words

field by describing the phenomenon of shame. What is there about shame that makes it important and why did you choose to investigate it?” NATHANSON: For some years I had been occupied with problem what now called “interaffectivity” way each us gets caught up in emotionality others. At time (1982) thought myself as a clinician no scholarly identity wrote my ideas more get feedback from few friends than any publication. One traditionally trained psychoanalyst said “Oh you’re writing empathy. There’s lot psychoanalytic literature” rushed library check out references index writings which amused enlightened me. A senior analyst friend suggested recent paper Michael Franz Basch put me on work Tomkins. same time decided concept (which broke standard theory suggesting affective resonance normal only an “empathic wall” are we protected unwanted others our milieu who broadcast their own affect sense self must be this empathic wall lest taken over those around us) scrolling through list all known emotions see if idea worked for them. When got letter “S” ran into family was literally shocked realize not know absolutely nothing shame but never heard discussed case conference or presented article defenses. made detour affect resonance wall started study After reading everything available English French literature (about 85 papers handful books) came conclusion sizeable body information even though nearly every author had like me come upon either accident surprise. Most authors were almost totally unaware written shame! As understand ubiquity experience real nature ignorance common culture therapists spring. It seemed reasonable do something latter problem end organized symposium 1984 annual meeting American Psychiatric Association at bunch would discuss work. acted moderator deferring colleagues done so much area calling attention This became basis first book “The Many Faces Shame.” Paradoxically famous scholar whom assigned task lead chapter (on development childhood adolescence) told he single how chapter late game left job playing catchup. To surprise already affect its relation proved useful result effort expert. In one swoop word processor went being novice impressario “major theorist” without slightest intent either. step process increasingly convinced importance Tomkins “shame-humiliation” role societies. Our shared contemporary world worse accepted responsibilty dissemination information.” BOL: Your answer provides rich set choices follow-up. could ask interaffectivity Basch Tomkins—and due course will. now wonder neglected emotions? Remember began wrong reasons. research looking variable tried another therapeutic maneuver go away interested sociology/anthropology honor vs. anything disprove
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