Used words

On the first day of school Victor stood in line half an hour before he came to a wobbly card table He already spoke Spanish and English but thought some might travel France where it was cool not like Fresno summer days reached 110 degrees shade. Besides Teresa girl had liked since they were catechism classes at Saint Theresa’s taking French too ran into his friend Michael Torres by water fountain that never turned off. They would stand one arm around beautiful woman scowl. talked about recent movies baseball their parents horrors picking grapes order buy fall clothes. Umm thought maybe does work. scowled with greater conviction In homeroom roll taken emergency cards passed out given bulletin take home parents. Girls walked looked him “See what I mean Vic?” scowled. "They love it.” “La me vave con le grandma” said uncertainly. sheepishly teacher who erasing board then widened eyes terror Teresa front him. “I didn’t know you knew French”she said. “That good.
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