Used words

'She is clothed in strength and dignity' Proverbs 31:25 'He has made everything beautiful it's time' Ecclesiastes 3:11 'Be Yourself' 'Fear a liar' 'Dare to Dream' 'But those who hope the Lord will renew their strength. They soar on wings like eagles they run not grow weary walk be faint.' Isaiah 40:31 'Try person of success but rather try value.' 'The world changed by your example opinion' 'An awake heart lighthouse helping others find safe way home.' 'You are fearfully wonderfully made' Psalm 139:14 have purpose future' Jeremiah 29:11 loved God never leave us nor forsake us' Hebrews 13:5 'They rebuild ancient ruins restore places long devastated' 61:4-9 'Building dream'
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