Used words

“I know I - wasn’t who you gah wanted me to be. But love you. loved our life and I just want -“ “You’re all wanted.” don’t care about the bad stuff. What did... i don’t…” “You stopped a serial killer. think that balances out… I’m….” “What?” “I’m starting feel tired…” spend y-your whole afraid people killing them- themselves do this It’s like me huh.” (laughter) “Do we’ll see each other? After... after everything.” “If there’s no heaven?” know.” “Someone will invent one.” “They have to… It’s…. an oversight really.” “I’ll make one -” “Promises… again.” “It it be “What we… there?” “This.” “Sitting… in the… snow?” “Just e-everything.” want…” “Enough s-serial killers?” (silence) s-said enough ser- “Kimmy?”
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