Used words

Teaching as PROFESSION VOCATION and MISSION. Teaching is a mission it is the tasks entrusted to you Professional is the quality of knowledge skills and attitude of people Vocation is a calling Vocation is a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation Profession has a six elements which are Initial Professional EducationAccreditationLicensingProfessional DevelopmentProfessional Societies and Code of Ethics. Code of Ethics is a guide designed to help professionals conduct themselves honestly and with integrity in the practice of their profession. Professionalization involves acquiring a high-status profession which includes certifications and accreditations Professionalism on the other hand is the attitude toward work. This is manifested through the observance of the Code of Ethics and laws governing teaching The mission of the teacher is to teach Vocation can also apply to occupations like teaching because teaching is serving the students parents community and the state "Profession as a calling necessitating specific knowledge and in many cases extensive academic training.
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