Used words

The reaction will generally consist of a to text and/or film–often in relation the material presented your Zuccotti reading for that week--but it ispossible more precise question or theme be stipulated formatmay slightly modified.The most important criterion I use evaluating thesejournals is extent which you*engage*the material making serious thoroughthoughtful attempt grapple with issues particular text/film raises. These mightinclude any combination thematic (rescuers propaganda role Churchfor example) ethical philosophical ones (is there duty remember? What definessomeone as Jew member other given religion nation culture even ahuman being? Why do people hate?) stylistic (are memoirs an effective genre forconveying experience Holocaust?). “Grappling” these issues–whichmight mean reacting against them arguing questioning articulatingyour emotional response them etc.–willalso entail relating reflections othertexts you have read/films seen this course movies/plays/art/music haveseen/heard elsewhere courses taken conversations personal experiences family historyother classmates’ papers etc. ‘links’ while very important–and belooking closely forspecificevidenceof pullingtogether nuanced ways frommore and parts course further we progress--should not substitutehowever on text/film shouldalways startingpoint journal entry. Finally morepreciseyou can referring specificpassages images frames scenes etc. better this too provides evidence closeengagement our texts.In addition toa gradeI willprovide written feedbackon each entryand am always happy provide verbal feedback well.
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