Used words

Top (boy) Oscar has thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to share what he believes his fundamental rights as a child possesses linked UN Rights of Child document. He was able identify items needs e.g. food and clothing wants doesn’t believe are important him. With little support elaborate provide details why made these choices justify thinking process. taken an active part in our Physical Development sessions is now beginning understand importance healthy eating impact this can have on him both physically mentally. In Outdoor Learning aware need discuss make decisions team when designing building using assault course. follow instructions collaborate with peers task good effect (girl) Luna she her She her. Isabella learn more about how improve own health wellbeing. every right to for example food clothing shelter discussing difference between wants. physical development understands her illustrated ability listen respect feelings others during mud art lesson where drew patterns partner’s arm paint. communicated clearly listened watched any signs that they felt uncomfortable or wanted stop. showed self-control empathy task. him Core Fletcher moderate support It pleasing see take time construct answer detailed response. starting Jane Eirwen learning some guidance When listening story ‘The Den’ understanding value teamwork and could describe its’ main features story. began link work tasked building den small group. found it tricky structure stand but perseverance experimented different methods. consistently shows towards sessions. himself its Lower Louis had high levels help fantastic develop higher order skills shown partner creating piece create pattern their arm. show others. During lesson Following teacher modelling communicate These emerging continue developing outside lessons. demonstrating stamina undertaking awareness control gross fine motor movements. .
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