Used words

“I can’t read Italian.” “It’s French” - Jack and Ryan “Britain was like ‘You vandals!’” Mr. Lucas am going to teach you how walk.” “Man I don’t even know crawl.”- Dan “Auspicious day!” -Everyone “Slavery?” “Oh women.” “But are so saucy.” John Adams his wife *Drawings of classmates on board* “Why they smiling?” “Trial by fire.” “You have no rights. Xoxo APUSH Class” Charlotte Abby will find in the cafeteria” hunt down” didn’t what Marbury v Madison was. if it a physical fight just drew picture!” Rileigh “Do speak German?” swear words” “God’s plan” “So my plan.” Delaney “The founding fathers did not intend for this!” almost forgot about Neapolitan wars” *$10 bill “That’s because we think he’s finest father” “It do. It do be indeed”- “We’re talk mills were (sticks tongue out) mleh…” “Inmigración” mention drugs it’s like….OH!” “What should Articles Confederation?” “THEY SUCKED!” “Where’s mouse?” ate it.” “NOT HELPFUL JACK” -Mr Lucas Jack Mr “That many people live Ohio?!” “Once move there can never leave”- Aidan one person from Ohio” “You’re like walking Google” -Rileigh “And that’s why need genocide class system” do?” “SIN!!” *Dodges laser pointer* Leah “Don’t commit arson” “I’m religious path”- “Everything seemed kumbaya until Texas” “John Brown dudududududu STAB!” Riley felt cheeks needed little color this morning” -Mr. knew your eyelashes weren’t authentic” -Abby “My mom said had long as child” only expel tears others” adventures went when looked up word ‘gag’” “Mr. come hell give us our tests” “If pen runs out ink it’ll an all brawl” dense at times” gonna bankrupt some you– IT’S GONNA BE FUN!” “Grab goddamn cake Jack!” -Aiden“We’re bit more work Tuesday then we’re start farming” that wedding instead saying ‘I Do’ he ‘Perhaps’? harvesting buffalo. What’s word?” *Cartoon farmer Oh looks Jack” tube fairy?” Sam “Who owns Wendy’s?” “Wendy?” “Oregon small potatoes” Brown fun chap” too much loser get that” strong urge throw something” *10 mins later* stronger brag or flex” students flowers first bloom wilt.” “He has absolutely hair shines TV.” “Wait hold up. You cheese?”- force burrito bowl”- follow oil” “Isn’t Hearst use transport coffin?”- “Swell? What is it 1953?” “At least haven’t plum yet”- want informed consumer” I’m still consuming.” old. Father Time catches all.”- says ‘hidden camera’ does mean chickens there?” found french fry car after 6 months fresh.” “Did eat it?” “No comment.”- Delaney stuck bathtub” “We perfect”- “I’ll back 10 minutes. Don’t break anything. No ritual sacrifices any kind.” why? They’re fun!” “Flaaaaaatley.” Riley “Can take picture breadcrumb?” barrel? And face peanut?”- debt to?” “Aliens” would preferred Elsa. Or maybe Bluey.”- “Aside assigning pain punishment…”- “Where pie?! Sorry that intrusive thought” “Wait question” *Mr. folds half* rocks her Riley oh god” “Loans… Loans…Loans.” Aiden greatest depression”- Maya “Bluuuuuuuuuuey” (singsong) ghost past.” Eshani!”- drink black coffee. Like soul. Dark.”- “Someone needs fix knees” “Black Friday. Oh wait Black Tuesday”- “@APUSH Loui Louie GOOOOOBAAA” Theo “Maya passed doctor’s appointment” “Leah hasn’t taken appointment yet” “They wearing wig” write French Italian? rest English.”- “Is speaking Shakespearian anyone else or???” ‘going into quotebook’ quotebook?” “Ya know whole chestnut.” “She’s holding cartoon.”- (Old lady voice) “Oh mY GoD YoU cOulDn’T buY buTtEr” “So Doordash but pick up”- sunburned?” turn ask questions”- paratroopers? thinks they’re Star Wars.”- now That Govoni This Govoni. You’ve been demoted.”- “Are using slave labor?” high enough level “Jamie told me doing driving lesson.”- “Vertical Highways… So go sky?” invest magic school bus?” look Mrs. Frizzle” what’s inside counts you’re bus” “History without silly things make sense” see three who disappear aren’t studying their exam.” “Which gets stay?”- “How guests White House?” walked through front door” “He’s Mike” “This safe space” space? Fine bullshit!” tap someone’s phone? seems good strategy.”- student athlete athletic student. Let sink in.” propose hollow moon Jack?” “Drills.” under desk. There’s hole with hatch.” “Telling worry telling water wet.” “Water’s “Shut asked!” ungodly amount beans.” “Daley space shit hits fan.” “What? renamed Great Depression Somewhat Significant Depression?” strategic… DUH” run theocracy.” dictatorship well.” (backdated funniness) US support dictators tended bend rules human rights? That’s cute.”- “Jack paying attention?” “....No.” service dog could tears” *Really voice faces toward Lilly* “Hello!” Lucas? Are say well rounded enough?” very round” “Spherical even” Aiden “Adadadaddadada hall pass.” pour tar him!” not?”
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