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joke of the day fact Esti-Mysterys math games esti mystery curiosity vidoes Measurement: An Elephant Curiosity! prizes vids everthing everything videos seeing ms.reed Zombie escape vid. esti- mysterys evrything all escward Estimation Clipboard Everything Math fun my favorite thing was everything! esti-mysterys every fire and ice Hidato VI & All - Can't decide! estimation clipboard PRIZE PICKING! learning new tic tac toes:) I liked backwards word problems. it that like really cool i loved color map triple p's ultimate toe ppp evevything EVERYTHING Esti-Mysteries The Games solving problems Esti-Mystery investigations EVERYTHING! Esti-mystery 30 second challenges room. AWESOME day! work together curi vid !!!!!! talking showing each other our opinions riddles MMMMMAAAAATTTTHHHHH Dragons Fire Ice working through Ted Ed Joke Day doing EVERYTHING!!!! subscriptions challenge Learning being tickets donĀ“t no game everyone dragons ESTI-MYSTERYS!!! JOKE OF THE DAY Curiosity Videos spending time with you BEING TOGETHER TO LAUGH ABOUT PASTA!!!OMG! Investigations questions at beggining were Cool Esti- Mysterys Ultimite Tic Tac Toe esti-mystery but also Word problems investigation challenge filling up your car liquids doughnut investigation vidios mystery liqids sec tic-tak-toe video Esti Mysterys tick tack EVERY SINGLE THING!!! My part e-squared cheesy jokes graphing part. getting to skip boring regular WIN 60 Hanging out w/ Mrs Reed!!!! personally problems! found very intresting Just we did a variety things! :) Curiosities stuff do stuff. videos. And Debates over olympics clipboard experiments liquids because always intersting different liquids. Second Challenge Esti-Mysrery especially breakout edu daily projects (such as donut etc.) Esti-Mystery. However would mention E-Squared thoroughly enjoyable. This unit filled joyous memories I'm sure will cherish forever well many categories mathematics enthusiastically learned under Miss Pelkey (who more than pleased have an instructor this unit). everything. activities extremely expensive apple sauce. Toe! Esti-mystries Mysteries. TIK-TAK-TOE E V R Y T H N G toe. Fact games day videos Esti-Mysterys day. people tictactoe Having
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