Used words

Mamed coughed uncomfortably. “I stay here and live well. This is the best that I can do. Nobody knows indigo work better than me —and Master Appleby it.” said he had made a deal with Appleby. If managed plantation kept producing good mud could eat what wanted organize his home way get extra supplies from Charles Town as well books every year But was to keep locked not show any person or teach Negro how read. nodded again. planning reading anyone. have seen brightness of your eyes.” So much been taken mine by rights—my mother my father land freedom. And now being offered something might never received. afraid reach out take it but even more let it go. wanted read forever” said. “Since before crossed big river.” “The buckra do call river. They sea. Or an ocean. Atlantic Ocean.” Ocean” repeated. “You mustn’t tell anybody about things teach” promise. “No one must know” insisted. met eyes calmly nodded. Our first lesson began pronunciation spelling name. only in South Carolina who ever asked for whole He spoke properly then taught write it. on would always Meena. GEORGIA WAS WAITING when climbed into bed.
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