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The Highwayman came wandering came wondering came wandering. The Highwayman came wandering over the deep red see…
A darker night could not imagine the meeting of their fate a darker night could not imagine a union so great
They met by chance no hope nor care upon a side swipe game. They met by chance no hope nor care or knowledge of the same
For challenges confronted them right from the very start. For challenges confronted them beating on their heart
A glimmer here of birth anew would scare and tear and rip. A glimmer here of life anew just shooting from their hip
Ensnared entangled soon to be co-dependent on each form. Ensnared entangled soon to be ecstatic and forlorn. An inebriate rage a tragic tear stormy Stoney days. An inebriate rage a tragic fear would rip their love aways. The Highwayman came wandering came wondering came wandering. The Highwayman came wandering over the deep red see…
Alas it seemed just not to be a tale of love so lost
Alas it seemed just not to be desire at all cost. The odds were stacked against them though with all their might they fought! The odds were stacked against them least that’s what everyone thought
Through darkness untold and hardships unnumbered
And then there came a break of light a dawning of mutual hope
A vision that was once denied
You have the power over me
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