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Clyde Pugh (1st Sergeant U.S. Army 2x Purple Heart Recipient In Service the duration of WWII) Gene Boggs (U.S. Army 6 Years of Service) Charles Edmond (U.S. Army 20 Years 31 Days of Service) Nick Brown (U.S. Army 9 Years of Service) Dakota Valor Air Force Dilmon Mayes Bob Stickley (U.S. Army 1966-1967 Vietnam) Ron Williams 2 Years of Service) Josh See 82nd Airborne Division WV National Guard Iraq 2003-04 10.5 Everette “Shine” Harrison Sr Air Force) Donald Gordon Duane Turner: in Honor my Father who served the Korean War 1952-1954 " Misty Dunning... In father Roger and son until 2021
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