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"Her father and myself lawful espials will so bestow ourselves that seeing unseen" “To be or not to be? That is the question—Whether ’tis nobler in mind suffer The slings arrows of outrageous fortune Or take arms against a sea troubles And by opposing end them? To die sleep—No more—and sleep say we heartache thousand natural shocks that flesh heir to—’tis consummation devoutly be wished! sleep. sleep perchance dream—ay there’s rub for death what dreams may come when have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause. There’s respect makes calamity long life.” “If he steal aught whilst play playing ‘scape detecting I pay theft.” “That essentially am madness but mad craft.” “I do repent heaven hath pleased it punish me with me i their scourge minister. him answer well gave him. So again good night. cruel only kind. This bad begins worse remains behind.” “Give some light. Away!”
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