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Stop spying on me creeps. Ghostbusters S2E1 00:20:40-00:21:38 -Mike There's no way that's Mad Max. - Will Yeah. Girls don't play video games. Mike And even if they did you can't get 750000 points on Dig Dug. -It's impossible. -Lucas But her name is 286 So what? So how many Maxes do know? I know. Zero. That's many. -Dustin Weird. She shows up at school the day after someone with same breaks our top score. mean kidding me? Exactly. she's gotta be plus she skateboards so pretty awesome. Awesome? You haven't spoken a word to her. have to. look Shit I've lost target. -Will Oh! There. Got it. There we go. -All Well shit. S2E2 00:11:14-00:11:14 -All singing ? Who gonna call? Ghostbusters! Hey Spengler! Egon! Yeah! Venkman! Whoa! What? Why are Venkman? Because I'm Venkman. No there two Venkmans? there's only one Venkman in real life. We planned this months ago. Venkman Dustin's Stantz you're Egon and Winston. specifically didn't agree Yes did! think he did. No wants Winston man. What's wrong Winston? He joined team super late he's not funny scientist! Yeah but still cool. If cool then can't! not? -Mike stutters Because... -Lucas mocking Mike black? say that! thought Mike! Guys... Guys! else wearing costumes? school bell ringing Crap. S2E3 00:35:19-00:36:02 understand. What understand? Will saw something that looked like Dart last year? Kind of was tail. heard it yesterday. The exact sound. tell us before? wasn't sure. A coincidence? Or not. when stuck Upside Down somehow acquired True Sight? It gives power see into ethereal plane. -Luca sighs Elaborate. Maybe these episodes keeps having aren't really flashbacks all. they're real. can Down. would mean... from take him Hopper. agree. way. Hopper Dart's good as dead. should be. How that? He's Maybe. is doesn't automatically mean bad.
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