Used words
Launch Journalism Site
On Demand Coffee
Buy a Home
Electric Vehicle
Go to Japan
California Food Tour
Live in another State
Produce an EP
Create a Short Horror Film
Passive Income
Hydroponics Garden
Out of Country Convention
Teach Homeless to Cook
Food Webinars
Monthly Game Party
Go on a Cruise
Create Animated Shorts
Learn a Language
Video Game
Design Clothing
Setup Compost
Stay in WOW Airbnb
Hunt for Dinner
Visit Hawaii
Experience full-body VR
Interactive Museum
Interview 500 People
Go to Laos
Jiu Jitsu
Airsoft War in Europe
Write a Book
Do Martial Arts in Movie
Work a Haunted House
Make Cured Meats
Get Lasik
See Frank Ocean
Grow Shrooms
Have a Kid (probably)
Forge a Knife
Catch and Cook Big Fish
Launch Snack Brand
Tattoo in Four Countries
Annual Nostalgia Night
Ride a Submarine
Capture Memorable Moments
Write a Will
Road Trip Across Country
Finish DND
Disney VIP Experience
Travel to Toronto
Go to EVO
Zero Gravity
1000 Origami
Game of Assassin
Sleep No More
Visit NASA
Bong Joon Ho Premier
Create your own