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Crackers Those are my everyday balloons As I was raining down blows of terror I knew there had to be a better way Feels like an Arby's night The sea was angry that day my friends Up top Flip side Yeah that's right Vile weed You know I always wanted to pretend to be an architect Levels They don't want us there so we're going Yada yada yada It's go time You're a rabid anti-dentite I drink Pepsi No one's a bigger idiot than me I am Batman SERENITY NOW Yeah Koko - that chimp's alright I don't want to be a pirate It's gortex You think you're better than me You want a piece of me It's fusilli Jerry Giddy-up I'm doctor Von Nostron I lived my whole life in shame why should I die with dignity Hello Newman These pretzels are making me thirsty I once broke up with someone for not offering me pie STELLA I lie every second of the day - my whole life is a sham It's not a lie if you believe it How do they know the dog food is any good And you want to be my latex salesman The very fact that you oppose this makes me think I am on to something No soup for you When you look annoyed all the time people think you're busy Who's gonna turn down a Junior Mint A festivus for the rest of us I come from a long line of quitters Believe it or not George isn't at home
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