Used words

The very things that hold you down are going to lift you up. “Today is a good day to try” The Hunchback of Notre Dame “Some people are worth melting for” Frozen “Giving up for rookies” Hercules “You want something done you’ve got do it yourself” Little Mermaid “That’s pie-crust promise. Easily made easily broken” Mary Poppins “Goodbye may seem forever farewell like the end. But in my heart’s memory and there you’ll always be” Fox Hound “Hakuna Matata” Lion King Timothy Mouse - Dumbo Always let your conscience be guide.” Pinocchio If you don’t know where go then doesn’t matter which path take.” Alice Wonderland Any spent with favorite day. So today new day.” Winnie Pooh “Remember you’re one who can fill world sunshine.” Snow White Seven Dwarfs “Life journey experienced not problem solved.” “When will reflection show I am inside?” Mulan “I’m only brave when have be. Being mean go looking trouble.” “Don’t just fly soar.” “Sometimes right easiest one.” Pocahontas “Ohana means family. Family nobody gets left behind.” Lilo & Stitch greatest adventure.” Incredibles time timid. You must bold daring!” Beauty Beast “To laugh at yourself love yourself.” Mickey “You’re never too old young” Dwarves “I survive. live.” Wall-E
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