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The Madhatter's Ball Wake-up roll-up hatter's in town He's wearing trinkets With a dressing gown. Stood on box His heels all wobbly Holding cane fingers knobbly. "A ball tonight At the end of light Don't say you might Or be full spite We want no fight Just fun that's right!" villagers gathered from miles around tune was an addictive sound hatter left once were told And he returned home to his house gold. village that night erupted with colour No longer would their lives duller Nobody stopped admire one another Except nephew my mother's brother. guests arrived at gold purple green young and old. But guest pointed had been sold As stated sign covered mould. for now back village real delicacy rape pillage dark bare stolen made feet swollen. "Oh no I know That they Where am." ran ran ran. too late A colourful mob Had scene crime sob. army clowns began attack Chasing burglar's sack. Safe save never came back villager's still look silly as ever.
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