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Jayhawks R. Good Way down in Joyceville near the penitentiary There is a little school that's as fine can be. Staff and students love yard scenery And latest technology. All try read write so well line up when they hear ringing recess bell. Go Go! Jayhawks go go ! Good! Every year train to get good at sports winter build coolest snowball forts. Jokin round with Wendy helping Rick keep it clean Mrs. MK gets us on bus we leave. Parlez vous Francais avec Monsieur Fleet Joycevilles great place be! Chorus Were back school its September twenty-one (music stops) Hey 4/5s why are here? To learn (clap) have fun! We welcome all kinds of our help each other out thats what do. First youre going see run vote aways count for some rock’n’roll!
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