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Rope-Bridges Tenochtitlan Spanish Hun-H’unahpu Chinampas Slash-and-Burn Manco Inti Metate Mama Aztec Mano Knotted-Rope Maya Glyphs Mictecacíhuatl Inca Tikal Mictlantecuhtli Chichen-Itza Jade Mictlan Calendar Ear-spools Polytheistic Ayllu Nezahualcoyotl Monotheistic Chasqui-Runners Cortez K’inich-Ajaw Mezoamerica Ayni Tzotzil Ixchel Rope-bridges Lacandón Tepeu Maize Mayan-Calendar Gucumatz Haab-Calendar Tzolk'in-Calendar Calendar-Round Day-Keeper Andes-Mountains Nahuatl Yucatecs
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