Used words

“Could be worse could asking about Hereford FC and balaclavas” “Something Kerr & Swindon Ultras” “I’m all over it!” “On it like a car bonnet!” “Have you got minute?” “X has cracked!” “Like pigeon on chip!” “If can crack that you’ve cracked teaching” “ it’s planning my lessons for me!” “My Year 11s will never get negative numbers wrong again!” “What we need is Negative Numbers Fortnight” “Jog on” “The dream team” Can’t win “World's worst boy band” gaffer of maths” “I don't teach micro” “Mr season ticket in the Arkell’s” “I’ve done huge favour there” seen GIF I sent?” “Pipe down” “You've just to bit careful there because…” “How's postman pat's van?” “Is or washing machine?” “Great parking
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