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A river of compassion washes away my anger and replaces it with love. All is well. manifestations are coming true rightnow. true right now. the people opportunities flow to me. I have made space in life for them. And only drink from cup abundance moving forward. Creative energy surges through me leads new brilliant ideas. possibilities available Each day am closer finding income source that Everything good flowing me happening now ultimate good. Happiness a choice base happiness on own accomplishments blessing been given. acknowledge self-worth self-confidence soaring. act grace confidence power allow myself moments stillness hear soul align center. magnet money. Everywhere go money drawn positive influence world. powerhouse. abundant. admired. always supported guided. at peace all has happened will happen. peace. beautiful. blessed an incredible family wonderful friends. brimming overflowing joy. calm Capable Centered Clear Confident Connected conquering illness defeating steadily each constantly attracting into alignment highest self. cosmic courageous stand up myself. divine. Master creation. energized inspired. enough. whole. My heart open attract someone who matches same vibration. forgive need within free. going after everything want this year. worthy abundance. Fear ego can suck dick. receive desire. gonna get bag not take your shit. gratitude guided every step by Spirit lead towards what must know do. happy. having fun today. health healthy wealthy. well vibrant. healthy. heaven Earth indestructible. kind love loved. mistakes. rushed behind. receptive universe store appearing unexpected ways. receiving greatness. precious protected well respected. relaxed nonresistant clear. rich bitch. smart. sprititual. successful areas life when fail just lesson. superior negative thoughts low actions. thankful day. architect life. build its foundation choose contents. wealth happiness believe abilities bring joy others. light where go. try again divine loe selves. declare body. deserve open. partner seek also seeking be happy feel happy feelgood. do wanna I’m be. 100% worthy whole complete. holding onto pain so long. others poured their out those harmed past peacefully detach give mybest tasks front without thinking about any given endless talents which begin utilize unlimited power desire hereby debts erase karma. things come together perfect timing. let negativity. live abundant Universe were anything possible. make decisions no longer force things. What flows flows. crashes crashes. meant possess qualities needed extremely successful. radiate beauty charm grace. reclaim natural co-create reality Source. release fear doubt worry. serves start energy. action faith clarity. wake today strength clarity mind. welcome financial emotion spiritual physical stability love success inner abandon old habits focus new ones. queen I'm dream. Many look recognize worth. ability conquer challenges limitless potential succeed infinite. body mind brilliant tranquille. rested business growing expanding thriving. unfolds ease dreams manifest before eyes. efforts being universe. fears tomorrow simply melting away. future ideal projection envision nature obstacles way. path carved relationship become stronger more stable filled positivity plentiful prosperity. Nothing holds back. Others highly charged feminine People support throughout The seek supports desires Today lift up. decision work goals. great these times difficult but they short phase Today trust guided intend follow heart.
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